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Range of Services to Fund Managers

Cohen Brothers provides established fund managers with fund placement and related services, raising capital from professional investors around the globe for:

  • Alternative investment funds, such as venture capital, growth capital, private equity, private debt, infrastructure, real estate and other real assets

  • Mutual & hedge funds, across all alpha generating investment processes and asset classes

  • All customized investment solutions, from discretionary and advisory separate accounts, white label funds & parallel portfolios for insurers, multi-family offices & pension funds

  • GP sponsored co-investments, across a wide range of assets, industries and countries & Secondary market of private fund interests

  • GP M&A, provision of independent directors and fund trustees


Alternative Investment Funds

1. Fund placement services to established managers

The fund placement service consists of (i) presenting the investment opportunity to duly validated investors, (ii) organising roadshows and meetings, (iii) attending investor conferences, (iv) enabling investors to successfully achieve their due diligence through Q&As, access to the GP virtual dataroom or visit at the GP office, and (v) ongoing reporting to the GP. This assumes all the documentation is ready, all regulatory authorisations have been obtained and the first close is already achieved at a significant level (40%) and the portfolio is already partly invested.

We would not consider first-time-team funds or first-time-strategy funds or first institutional funds without a minimum 40% first close already achieved or with a set plan to achieve this. We welcome spinoff teams with excellent and long track record.

2. Emerging manager advisory program

Cohen Brothers offers emerging managers advice & services on a series of topics which are essential to a successful capital raising process.


Mutual & Hedge Funds

Cohen Brothers raises capital for global, regional and national asset management leaders and high quality specialists, with first quartile hedge fund and first decile mutual fund ranking.

It considers fund placement assignments for:

Equity mutual and hedge funds from $150m AUM per fund, bond mutual funds from $300m, fund track record of 5yr minimum, minimum company AUM of $3bn for long only and $1bn for hedge funds.

We do not compromise on service quality, nor do we take assignments without retainers.






Our Offices

LONDON  +44 (0) 7380 121213
DUBLIN​ +44 (0) 7380 141491
MADRID +34 (0) 620 389711
PARIS +33 (0) 6 26 64 89 70
COPENHAGEN + 45 (0) 51 15 23 46  

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